Most frequent questions and answers
A domain name is essentially online real estate. The registration of this domain name provides temporary ownership over that real estate. Domain registrations allow the registrant to “build” on this property (such as example.com) by offering services such as websites, email, and FTP for personal, commercial, or public use.
The domain registration only includes rights to the domain name you purchase (such as example.com) for the period of time you leased the domain registration, usually one to ten years. With this registration you can set the contact information for the domain, change the nameserver delegation, and add glue records.
Domain registrations do not by itself include any other services, such as DNS, email, Secret Registration, etc.
Reach out to your current domain provider for assistance with preparing the domain for transfer. The domain can be transferred as long as;
- The domain was not registered within the last 60 days.
- The domain was not transferred in the last 60 days.
- The domain is not in redemption status.
- The domain does not have an unresolved dispute.
When the domain is prepared, you will be able to initiate the transfer.
The domain transfer process can sometimes take up to two weeks, depending on the type of domain being transferred and the registry’s policies. Common gTLD domains like .com, .net, .org usually complete within 7 days.
Yes, most domains do have a transfer fee. The price depends on the type of domain being transferred.
Specific domain extensions will not automatically renew after a transfer resulting in no transfer fee. For example, .uk domains only automatically renew if transferred within the last seven days of registration. Otherwise, there is no transfer fee, and the additional year will not be added to the domain’s registration period.
The authorization code, often referred to as an EPP code or auth code is a unique 6 to 32 character code assigned to the domain. This code can only be obtained at the current domain registrar and is mandatory for a domain transfer.